Posted by: davidbattler | July 5, 2010

Who moved my Cheese??

Things have changed drastically in the last few months…..

I have taken on the role of CEO of Hi-Tec Canada.  I am so excited to be working with the van Wesel family to grow their business in Canada and make it a f orce to be reckoned with in the outdoor market. I mean here is the second largest outdoor footwear company in the world, and the outdoor business in Canada has barely been touched! Lets just say I have lists (and lots of them) of how I want this company to grow in the next five years. As I blog more in the future I will bring you up to speed on changes, growth plans and how we are going to acheive it all.

You may be asking about Guelph Brand Strategies…..lots of blood, sweat and tears went into building this company in the last two years. Trust me I am not abandoning it – rather moving into the nurturing hands of my wife,Wendy. Next summer my son Evan will also come on board as a tech rep.   With this switch  has come some  more changes. Timbuk2, Mad Bomber and BMC bikes will no longer be associated with GBS. Wendy has kept the two brands that she feels most strongly about, Golite and Native Eyewear. Both of these brands are smaller outdoor brands and are working so hard to establish a presence that it would be foolish to part ways now. Both are on the cusp of major breakthroughs north of the border. The retailers are amazed at sell throughs and customer acceptance of these two brands.

There is one more deal being finalized that will take Guelph Brand Strategies to a new level and make it one of the most powerful distributors in Canada. Stay tuned…..

It has been a lot of scurrying to follow the trail of cheese…but it seems like it has all paid off. I am running an amazing company, and GBS is becoming a true family business – just as I had hoped.

I will keep in touch


  1. Congratulations all round Dave. And I see that Hi-Tec is a company that understands social media – with a blog and a presence on YouTube, Twitter & Facebook. After the way that you’ve used social media to build awareness of GBS, I’m sure that the fit is perfect.

    The only surprising thing in the announcement by Hi-Tec of your appointment – they called you an industry veteran! Do they know your real age? So much experience and still so young. 🙂

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